Dead Men Left

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Space-filling link-listing, hope you don't mind:

Blood and Treasure urges you to vote for him in Prospect magazine's idiotic search for Britain's "top public intellectual". Damn right. He gets my vote.

Justic has taken a literary turn of late, inbetween the stuff about Scottish nationalism (and slagging off this site's glorious colour scheme.)

Spurious. Philosophy, innit. Probably.

Perspective. Featuring the new Apple iRaq, "10,000 volts in your pocket, innocent or guilty" (though the permalink to it isn't working). Otherwise, more Scottish politics. Hurrah!

Genosse Tabu. Guarranteed to induce a furrowed brow and a slight headache as my German is very poor indeed. Still, after much concerted effort, it all seems to be in order.

Critical Montages. Providing further evidence of my debilitating foreign language inadequacy, this site switches between English and Spanish with merry abandon. Confusion abounds. The English bits are particularly good on contemporary gender politics, the Spanish I wouldn't know about. Sob.

Cllr Bob Piper. He's a proper old Labour stylee councillor, he lives in Birmingham and his blog is far better than Tom Watson's.

...which leads nicely on to Lib Dem Watch. Bash bash bash goes the New Labour machine; they seem terribly exercised about the Lib Dem's candidate for Birmingham Hodge Hill, Nicola Davies, and her links to mobile phone companies. Surely she should be congratulated in taking the initiative to arrange her corporate ligging before entering Parliament? (Sod the lot of them and vote Respect.)